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February 2009

Search Engine Optimization: Get Recognized 
Know Your Web Acronyms

Search Engine Optimization: Get Recognized


Running a small business is typically not a big deal, almost anyone can do it. However there are many things associated with a business that need to be handled with careful considerations by a professional. The idea behind establishing any business is to ensure that one stays ahead of the competition in the existing market and makes adequate profits. At times, as a business owner you may find that you are caught in a situation where you are not sure how things need to be done and search engine optimization is one such thing. In simple terms search engine optimization means to increase the popularity of your site on the web. The World Wide Web is populated with numerous websites and due to this customers may find it difficult to locate your online business site and buy the goods from there.

So as a business owner what you need to do is make sure that online visitors do not have to make any effort to find your site other than typing out some keywords in the search box of the major search engines. There is a huge storehouse of information and one can easily get lost amidst this, so search engines are the source that guide an online visitor in finding what they are looking for on the web. Since search engines are the guide for online visitors, a site can become popular on the web only if they are recognized by all the major search engines. Search engines have certain criteria for recognizing a site and giving them top rankings and search engine optimization is the different methods that are used for meeting those criteria.

Now it is understandable that as a business owner you may not be well versed with the tricks of the trades of search engines algorithms and things like that. There are several professionals that specialize in helping out firms and individual business owners in handling the search engine optimization aspect of their business. So all a business owner needs to do is get in touch with such a professional, brief them about the type of business they are operating and tell them what they expect them to do for their business. Once all these basic elements are cleared, it will be very easy for the professional to undertake the work. Sit with the professional and have a thorough talk about the whole process and how they are going to implement that in your business.

Search engine optimization is one business strategy that has become a necessity these days especially due to the huge advancements made in the field of science and technology. Today, majority of the people have an online identity and they use the web to find out anything and everything. All you need to do is take the help of search engines for this, just type what you need and with the click of the mouse the information will be displayed to you. Search engine optimization has made things really simple for all of us.


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Know Your Web Acronyms


URL - (Uniform Resource Locator)
A url is a web page address. The Internet works very much like the post office in that it needs an address to send information to and from. The URL is the address that the web uses.

FTP - (File Transfer Protocol)
When you see this in a URL it usually means that instead of a web server machine on the other end, you are connecting to a file server machine. For our purposes, the difference between ftp:// and http:// is that FTP usually means that something will be saved to your hard drive.

HTTP - (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Basically, when you see this in a URL, all it means is web Page. However, it is officially the method that the "post office" uses to send your Web page from it's home to your Web browser. It is the way the "hypertext" (web page information) is transferred to your computer.


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